Jewellery as occupation in Nepal

Traditional instruments of gold smith in Nepal
Jewellery in Nepal  is said to be the main occupation of Sunar's in Nepal.In the time of kings in Nepal occupation was classified  according to the sir names.Nowadays the system is not like before but some of the people are forced to follow their parental jobs because of no or low ideas in other occupation.In case of jewellery   only few other cast then Sunar can be found just like once in a blue moon.As jewellery is a family and parental occupation of Sunar's in Nepal most of Sunar choose it their occupation.
Making of gold jewels in Nepal
jewellery shop in Nepal
Now a days many jewellery shops are found in Nepal , especially in Pokhara. We can found most of the Sunar following their own business large and  small scale according to their capital.We can found jewellery shop in every,most of the part of Nepal.We can found large scale jewellery show rooms and industry in urban areas of Nepal and small scale jewellery shops in rural areas.

Nepali gold smiths

Nepal has passed a generation of jewellery and is running in second generation of gold.In first generation Nepali jewellers used to use second class gold known as Nepali gold in jewellery but now a days fine and pure gold is used .Designs of gold is also high class and western.   


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